The Showstealers
Ever wanted to steal the show? Then that's the purpose of the impact performance company The Showstealers. Founded by Jon, the Showstealers aims to add the polish that many presentations and performances need, to make the stepchange from "good" to "brilliant" and have your audience talk about you after the event, for all the right reasons.
The Showstealers
Ever wanted to steal the show? Then that's the purpose of the impact performance company The Showstealers. Founded by Jon, the Showstealers aims to add the polish that many presentations and performances need, to make the stepchange from "good" to "brilliant" and have your audience talk about you after the event, for all the right reasons.
Here’s how we can help you….
Here’s how we can help you….
Despite the constant reminders, no one ever puts as much preparation into a presentation as they should. So it's the day before you have to present - and you’ve just got your PowerPoint together, but there’s no one to advise how to present it in the best way. It’s not ideal to be this last minute but it happens. We can have one of our experts available online to talk through your presentation and give you the hints and tips you need to sound brilliant.
Scroll down to the contact form at the bottom to find out more - including availability and rates.
In groups of 5-10 we can work with you for a full day. The morning is spent in a group session with presentations and feedback. The afternoon is spent talking to each candidate one to one - after all every presenter is different and we want to be able to help each individual, rather than simply handing out a list of generalised do’s and don’ts.
Scroll down to the contact form at the bottom to find out more - including availability and rates.
Having worked in broadcast for many years and interviewed thousands of people, we know what it takes to face the media in any capacity, written or broadcast. If you know the tricks of the trade as well, then you’ll be prepared for any eventuality. We tailor the day to cater for your specific needs, either working in small groups or one to one.
Scroll down to the contact form at the bottom to find out more - including availability and rates.
Most business men and women didn't enter the workplace to be performers - but to present that's what you have to be. You have a stage, lights, a microphone and an audience - that means it's a show - so it helps if you know how to perform.
Most business men and women didn't enter the workplace to be performers - but to present that's what you have to be. You have a stage, lights, a microphone and an audience - that means it's a show - so it helps if you know how to perform.
Jon's clients include:
If you thought Charisma was something bestowed purely upon the fortunate few....
Then think again.
If you thought Charisma was something bestowed purely upon the fortunate few....
Then think again.